"The Ancient Warrior" slideshow:

Zenaku listens to NayzorPrincess Shayla tells the Rangers about the Ancient WarriorsThe Ancient Warriors gathered together to capture ZenakuThey use their Crystal Sabers to capture him
Zenaku stands in the light of the full moonRangers show up to stop himZenaku is ready to destroy ColeAn eclipse begins to occur
Zenaku loses his powerHe becomes Merrick once again3,000 years ago, the Animus Megazord faught against Master OrgMerrick went to seek out a mask
Nayzor shows up to destroy himMerrick puts on the Mask of ZenakuAn evil power allows him to form the PredazordMerrick feels his power returning to him
He becomes Zenaku once againRangers activate the Growl PhonesBlack Ranger recieves two new crystalsHe summons the Rhino and Armadillo Wildzords
Wild Force Megazord (Striker Mode) is formedWild Force Megazord (Striker Mode) defeats the Wild Force PredazordZenaku's Wildzords are releasedPrincess Shayla finds Merrick