"Revenge Of Zenaku" slideshow:

Toxica tries to persuade ZenakuWild Force Rangers show up to battleMegazord battles against PredazordZenaku summons the Elephant Wildzord
Wild Force Predazord (Spear Mode) attacksWildzords are seperated and damagedPredazord seems victoriousGorilla Wildzord shows up to help
Zenaku releases a captured OrgShayla and Taylor find the broken sealMotorcycle Org appearsZenaku kidnaps Princess Shayla
Taylor remembers her first missionYellow Ranger fails to destroy Scooter OrgZenaku spots Princess Shayla's neckalaceA memory of someone giving Shayla the neckalace as a gift
Yellow Ranger blames herselfYellow Ranger goes up against Motorcycle OrgZenaku attacks the Rangers againZenaku then comes after Shayla
Red Ranger attacks with his Lion FangYellow Ranger is the Soaring EagleWild Force Predazord is formedPredazord overpowers the Kongazord
Yellow Ranger and Zenaku face offZenaku takes the two Bear crystals into his posessionTaylor finds blood where Zenaku was standingShayla comforts Taylor over her loss of the Bears